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High Pressure Cleaning for the Removal of Stubborn Stains

27 August 2018

Whether you own a retail store or a massive warehouse, making sure that your property is clean is definitely a priority. Unfortunately, making sure to keep your property clean can come at a cost when left in the hands of your regular employees. This is where our team here at A.K. Blasch Cleaning comes into play. Today, we are going to talk to you about one of our most popular and important services: high pressure cleaning. With high pressure cleaning, you can easily get rid of the most stubborn stains that there are. Let’s talk to you about the process and what it can do for you.

High Pressure Cleaning For Stubborn Stains

One of the most overlooked aspects of regular upkeep and cleaning is the quality of our floors. Whether you are working in a warehouse with chemical spills or in a retail establishment with regular wear-and-tear, stubborn stains can be an instant downgrade to the value of your property and to the reputation that you have in the eyes of potential visitors. It’s pretty easy to see why it would be so important to keep those stains gone for good, right? When it comes to stubborn stains, high pressure cleaning is the way to go.

For those not initiated, high pressure cleaning is a simple but powerful cleaning technique that includes a blend of water with detergent. This blend is expelled at a high rate of pressure through a nozzle, directed at the most stubborn of stains: grease, dirt, grime, and chemical spills. While the process is fairly simple and effective, what are the additional benefits that high pressure cleaning can provide?

  1. Enhanced Visual Appeal – First and foremost, your floors will never look cleaner than after a round of high pressure cleaning. Our high pressured cleaning service can help to bring your floor back to its original state, or as close as possible, depending on the severity of the stain.
  2. Improve the Lifespan Of Your Floor – A huge benefit to routine high pressure cleaning is that you are going to improve the lifespan of your floor. When removing these stubborn stains, you are removing bacteria, germs and other problematic elements from the surface. With these elements removed from your floor, the floor will last longer.
  3. Quick and Efficient Cleaning – Finally, high pressure cleaning is incredibly efficient both in terms of material usage and time spent cleaning. Our professional cleaning crew can come in and get rid of stubborn stains as quickly as you can snap your fingers, leaving you to focus on the rest of your daily obligations.


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