How Scheduled Window Washing Can Help Save Companies More Money
07 November 2018There is a lot involved in managing a company, and companies of all sizes have much in common, mainly, to save money any way they can. In fact, regularly scheduled window washing can help save companies more money, in ways that will surprise owners and managers.
Here are some of the ways that regularly scheduled window washing can help companies save money:
Helps preserve the health of employees – when company windows are kept clean, dust, dirt, bacteria and germs that can cause allergies, asthma, and sickness are removed. This means less cases of absenteeism and reduces sick leaves, which can save companies money.
Increased productivity – because regularly cleaned windows helps to improve the health of employees, they are in better health and will have more energy to perform their regular tasks.
Reduces injury – there are many companies that still assign staff to clean windows. Not only does assigning employees to clean windows take time and energy away from their work, it creates a safety concern too, especially when it comes to cleaning window on multistory buildings.
Non-professionals should never try to clean the outside of windows on multi-storied or high-rise buildings, that’s because without proper training and equipment employees can be at great risk of injury. Limiting or preventing accidents on the job is one of the best ways for companies to save money.
Building maintenance – for companies that lease their property, professional window cleaning can make sure that all windows are kept clean, to meet and exceed lease requirements. Professional window cleaners can actually notice any signs of deterioration or damage to the building while performing their duties, and will be able to notify management so that repairs can be conducted promptly before it can become worse.
Creates a positive image – it’s true, curb appeal makes a “huge” difference when it comes to impressing potential new clients, customers, or employees. When the outside of a building appears dirty it can signify poor business practices, thus damaging a company’s positive image that would take much money to repair. Hiring commercial window cleaners is the best way to preserve a company’s positive image by ensuring a stellar first impression on visitors.
If you are an owner or manager, and you are seeking ways to save your company more money, then seriously consider hiring professional commercial window cleaners in Melbourne.
At A.K. Blasch Cleaning, we specialise in all areas of commercial cleaning, and we can work with you to help save your company money in many ways. For a free consultation, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
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